Call us @ 99419 78000

Cockroach Control

Mosquito Control

Flies Control

Ant Control

Rodent Control

Termite Control

Bird Control

Bed Bugs Control


Cockroach Control

We offer customers pest, cockroach control services, Biological Pest Control that helps in prevention of microbiological activities in grain products. Our services has the best pest control services at very reasonable prices serving residential and commercial establishments. For this, we have employed at our end tested and well researched insects pest control methods.

Mosquito Control

Don’t let mosquitoes ruin your fun. These pesky insects often spoil backyard parties, picnics and outdoor events.We have trained team to detect mosquito in both residential and commercial areas.Mosquito control manages the population of mosquitoes to reduce their damage to human health, economies, and enjoyment.

Flies Control

Filth flies carry disease-causing organisms and can be a threat to public health. These flies breed in bacteria-laden environments, such as feces, carrion, and human food waste, often in close proximity to humans or domesticated animals. Filth flies include some of our most common fly pests — house flies, fruit flies, green bottle flies, stable flies, and several others.

Ant Control

Ants are often thought of as a “nuisance pest”, but when ants are in your house, they can seem like much more than a nuisance.Action Pest Control takes a holistic approach to ant control, completely ridding your home of ants and most other household pests.Our experienced ant control professionals will analyze your home’s ant threat and determine the ant control method best suited for your situation and your family.

Rodent Control

In order to eradicate various species of rodents from an area, we are offering Rodent Control. The services offered by us help in preventing like plague, leptospirosis, salmonelosis, trichinosis, typhoid fever and others. These services are active at times of the day & night. Danger of contamination & infestation is reduced by their active presence in working premises.


Specialised in

Termite Control

Termites commonly known as white ants are social insects. They benefit mankind by their effective re-cycling of organic matter into the soil. Unfortunately sometimes, the organic matter they recycle is our houses and other man-made structures. Termites are known to cause more damage than storms, floods and fire put together. A termite colony consists of the termite queen, soldiers and workers.

Bird Control

Birds such as pigeons are capable of transmitting a wide range of diseases and can be a source of secondary infestation by pests such as lice, mites and flies.

We provide bird control services including netting and other wire systems prevent the nesting and roosting of these birds in buildings.

Bed Bug Control

Bed bugs move from place to place along with peoples clothing and baggage. During day time bed bugs hide in tiny cracks and crevices and feed on blood at night.
Bed bug control services are safe to Humans & pets, we use combination of chemicals with exact formulations & appropriate Concentration depending on the infestation.